SnowRunner - Navistar 5000MV Kronos by MrBusses v1.0

SnowRunner Mods

Built as a heavy hauler for the military this model has been upfitted to allow it to do more than just pull trailers. Outfitted with an engine fit for a titan, this tractor can move mountains. New suspensions and tires give it more maneuverability over harsh terrain. New frame mounted addons allow for new rolls 1 slot beds with a mini crane, logging options, heavy cranes, maintenance and flat beds let this truck do just about everything that needs to be done.

Increased engine power 200k-500k
Tuned gearbox
tuned suspensions
Custom tires
frame extension
in cab repair/fuel
Exterior side cab lights now function
new bumpers
new exhaust
logging options
various new addons
200+ paints
steering angle increased
all addons unlocked and level requirement removed
Region lock removed
30m offline winch
Exhaust levels reduced except on muzzle exhaust

Authors: MrBusses

Today Downloads: 1

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