Transport Fever 2 - Japanese Train Signals
Add Japanese railway signals.
Additional traffic light is a color light type 3 light traffic light
There are two types of left and right installation types, long arm and short arm, totaling 4 types.
Updated to add Y current version. There are 6 types in total.
Since all traffic lights in this game are of the 2nd place, only R and Y are lit in the Y version.
Try to express it like a rail to add a speed limit.
This traffic light appeared in 1925.
Secondary distribution is prohibited.
It is a mod that adds a Japanese-style railroad signal.
Additional traffic signal: ‘SHIKITOSHIKI 3GENJI SHINGOKI’
Two patterns of arm length for right side installation and left side installation
4 types in total
This signal appears from 1925
Authors: masubo