Transport Fever 2 - Freestyle Industries

Transport Fever 2 Mods

Industries with only the cargo stockpiles. Design and create you own custom industries, farms, warehouses or mines. You place the assets, set the cargo chain, production amount, amount of employees, and stockpile space.

16 base cargoes available for use.
Set you own stockpiles size for input cargoes. Output cargoes stockpiles are not rendered in TPF2.
Fine tune you production output from 50 to 24000*
Don’t like planks to tools? Want to use steel instead? or go back to TPF1 way of making tools? here’s your mod. peeps will use this as a place to go to work!

Mode Selects cargo in/output options examples:

N & N = Out —- Steel A̲N̲D̲ Planks –> Tools

N OR N = Out —- Steel O̲R̲ Planks –> Tools

N = OUT OUT —- Steel –> Machines OR Tools

‘mode’ CUSTOM is for editors that want to exact control over parameters like exact max production employee count or destination, or to split stockpile space into different areas. Not for the casual user.

Other notes:

once you place a freestyle industry down it will only be able to change mode, employee count, and production amount. if you make a mistake bulldoze it & replace.

***If not in sandbox mode, go to the in game menu & check debug mode, then Bulldozer + SHIFT to remove a freestyle industry***

Authors: CashonWheels

Today Downloads: 1

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