Transport Fever 2 - Expanded Cargo Demands (Progressive)

Transport Fever 2 Mods

TLDR: This mod starts with Food and Construction materials, then adds additional demands to cities as time passes and your cities grow.

Alternative Versions:

> Static Version – 4 items per city. (My favorite)
> Static Version – 6 items per city.
> Dynamic Version – 1850: 2 items, 1920: 4 items, 1990: 6 items.
> Progressive Version – 1850: 2 food/construction, 1920: + tools/fuel, 1990: + goods/machines.


Compatible with Industry Expanded by Col0Korn
– Adds new resource chains

Due to the fixed item progression, this variant isn’t really suitable for use with expansive industry mods, that add city based products into the demand tree, since they will not spawn in the cities. Use one of the alternative versions instead.

This mod is not compatible with other mods that make changes to townbuildingutil.lua

In 1850

You will start with 2 demands per city, Food and Construction Materials

From approx 1920

Your cities will also begin to demand Tools & Fuel for all cities

* Level 1 buildings have a

80% chance of default item, 20% of a secondary item

* Level 2 buildings have a

50% chance of default item, 50% of a secondary item

* Level 3 buildings have a

33% chance of a default, 33% chance of 2 items and 33% chance of 1 secondary item.

* Level 4 buildings accept 2 items, based on the primary demand (x or y)

From approx 1990

Your cities will also begin to demand Goods/Machines for all cities

* Level 1 buildings accept one of any item
* Level 2 buildings accept one of any item
* Level 3 buildings accept 2 items (x or y)
* Level 4 buildings accept 3 items (x or y or z)

Known issue

Currently, The zoomed out overview (City name/icons) does not correctly indicate demands, but clicking the city does and they are accepted I believe this is hardcoded in the engine.

Save game safe?

This mod is save-game safe and can added/removed at any time.
If removed, just bear in mind that additional demands will remain in your cities until the buildings change/upgrade or are replaced. If added to an existing game, cities will need to develop to begin demanding new items.

Authors: FxUK

Required Mods:

Today Downloads: 0

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2020-01-25 16:15:55 364

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