Red Dead Redemption 2 - Save Editor

Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods

RDR 2 Save Editor is a powerful and advanced editor savegame for Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Redemption. That is, it is suitable for both the first and second part.

Supports the following platforms:
- Red Dead Redemption RDR Xbox 360 and PS 3;
- Red Dead Redemption 2 PC;
- Red Dead Redemption 2 PS 4 (decrypted save).

Features for Red Dead Redemption:
- changing single-player and multiplayer statistics.
- unpack and replace the files of raw data (for advanced users).

Features for Red Dead Redemption 2:
- you can edit the characteristics of the character;
- you can edit health, money, stamina, dead eye (Dead Eye), the eyes, honor and more;
- you can edit the items in the bag.

The program update occurs automatically. Example of updates after launch can see in the screenshot.

Authors: XB36Hazard

Today Downloads: 1

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