Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Dead Freecam V1.0
Free camera for Red Dead Redemption 2 - script with which you can freely move the camera across the game map. There are no restrictions. Help to make beautiful screenshots and explore the world.
For the script to work you need to install RedHook2 for Red Dead Redemption 2. Is installed in the scripts folder in the directory with the game.
- download the archive with the files;
- extract all the files from the archive into the game folder (where is located RDR2.exe).
The control on the PC:
"Spacebar+E" - activation of the script;
"W,A,S,D" to move the camera;
Mouse - rotate the camera;
"PageUp" / "PageDown" - to raise or lower the camera;
"Q" slow down;
"E" - slow up;
"Backspace" to get out of free camera mode.
Management on the XBOX and PSX:
X + RB / Square + R1 - activate the script;
Left Analog Stick - camera movement;
Right Analog Stick - rotate camera;
Left Trigger / Right Trigger to raise or lower the camera;
LB / L1 to slow down;
RB / R1 to slow up;
B / Circle to exit the free camera mode.
Authors: Evil Blunt