Transport Fever 2 - Tunnel Wall Fix

Transport Fever 2 Mods

The purpose of this mod is to fix the transparency issue that occurs within Tunnels.

You may notice sometimes when Switches are created, or Signals/Waypoints are placed; the Tunnel Walls will start to behave erratically. Trains that pass by on adjacent Tracks are invisible sometimes.

Even if you use Tracks that have no Walls, you would still get a transparent invisible Wall in some instances that prevents you from seeing a Train. The Drivers and certain accessories would still be visible through this, so it appeared like they were floating in mid-air.


Tunnels can now be created and utilized more beautifully.

To clarify, the affects of the Mod are automatic the moment you enable it on your save. You don’t need to do anything else.

There is a Video demonstrating the Mod. You can view it by clicking the dedicated YouTube button on this Mod page.
It is a comparison of the Mod being DISABLED/ENABLED in a Track Segment that was created with colliding textures. Colliding wall Textures can happen for numerous reasons so there is no use getting into a blame game for one in particular.

This Mod is safe to ADD/REMOVE from pre-existing saves if you want to revert back to phantom Trains.


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ETS2 - Volvo FH16 2012 V1.0 - CAUA NOGUEIRA say; " senha para extrair " - (2024-12-06 03:27:33)

ETS2 - Mercedes-Benz 710 Destravado - maldoso22 say; " ola parabens pelo trabalho mais me diga . vai atualizar pra versao 1.53 ? " - (2024-12-05 06:40:21)

ATS - Mercedes Actros 2014 V1.2.5 - tatabike say; " There's something wrong with it. It's crashing the game. " - (2024-11-30 14:09:48)

ETS2 - Marcopolo Paradiso G6 1800 DD 6X2 MegakingRoad (1.36.x) - KONDE BOY say; " good " - (2024-10-29 10:35:07)

ETS2 - Kia Granbird Silkroad S Premium 2022 - Anononsesz say; " Upload mod for 1.50 version please...!! " - (2024-10-22 07:28:03)