Transport Fever 2 - Freight Yard Framework

Transport Fever 2 Mods

This is a mod to let you create freight yards by allowing the construction of tracks or the placement of assets on top of functional cargo platforms. The included platforms are paved areas in a variety of materials, with either hidden or ground level cargo spawns. The hidden spawn platforms have collision turned off for track, track asset, or ground asset placement, while the ground spawn platforms allow only non-colliding asset placement. This mod also allows for the addition of your own freight yard modules, just reference the included readme file for how to interact with the framework correctly.

Added an image to the list to clarify how to construct a freight yard. I’ll try to put together some more tutorial information later!

Tested Compatible Station Mods:
Enhanced Train Station Capacity – Recommended for freight functionality!
Sloped Train Station
Cargo Terminals Capacity Multiplier
NL Modular Station

Known Partial Compatibility:
Station Size Change Mods (e.g. Atlit’s larger stations): This will not cause a crash and will work on base game modules, but these mods will not apply to the yard modules.
Extended Station Configuration Options: The added options will not apply to the yard station template, but base game templates will work.

Known Issues:
Drawing tracks over the no collision modules makes a large number of small track sections due to the edgelist configuration the stations use. I’m going to try to improve this, but I can’t promise anything can happen without too many other issues being caused.

Tracks drawn over modules cannot be deleted without first deleting the station. I may find a way around this with collision boxes, but no promises here. Assets can be deleted without problems though.

Thanks To:
oppiescc for use of the wrapper function to avoid overwriting base game files and reference code on station modding.
xmnovotny for a great code base to reference on cargo placement mechanics and updating the capacity mod and slope mod to support this one.


Today Downloads: 1

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ETS2 - Volvo FH16 2012 V1.0 - CAUA NOGUEIRA say; " senha para extrair " - (2024-12-06 03:27:33)

ETS2 - Mercedes-Benz 710 Destravado - maldoso22 say; " ola parabens pelo trabalho mais me diga . vai atualizar pra versao 1.53 ? " - (2024-12-05 06:40:21)

ATS - Mercedes Actros 2014 V1.2.5 - tatabike say; " There's something wrong with it. It's crashing the game. " - (2024-11-30 14:09:48)

ETS2 - Marcopolo Paradiso G6 1800 DD 6X2 MegakingRoad (1.36.x) - KONDE BOY say; " good " - (2024-10-29 10:35:07)

ETS2 - Kia Granbird Silkroad S Premium 2022 - Anononsesz say; " Upload mod for 1.50 version please...!! " - (2024-10-22 07:28:03)