Transport Fever 2 - EMP: Heavy Cargo Challenge (Calculated Cargo Weight)

Transport Fever 2 Mods

Combine this mod with others from my modpack to change your experience even more.

What does this mod do?
all Vehicle get a maximal transport volume and transport weight
all cargotypes get a cargo mass based on reality
instead of showing cargo in volume this mod will change it to its weight, so if a waggon can carray 50 units, it can carry real 50t
Demand of towns will be recalculated based on cargo mass, too. So, heavy cargo will lead to more demand in towns.
production of all industry x2
Bulkcargo will no longer be visual fully loaded. If a cargotyp has a high mass and the max. allowed weight would be exceeded, cargo volume will be visual lower, too. (for example iron)
Production chain of steel altered as it is the by far the haviest cargo
optional mod-setting to change unit to "loading volume" (beware: heavy cargo will result in very few loading capacity for all vehicle!)

Authors: PMV

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