Transport Fever 2 - Car Parks

Transport Fever 2 Mods

This mod has 7 different car parks,

Parking can be found in streets in madhatter category – hat with a P on it.

1. Back street parking – One way street with curb side parking
2. One way street with parking backing on to the road
3. Two way street with parking in the centre and backing onto the road.
4. Market Square – Curb side parking with diagonal coach parking in the centre.
5. Lorry parking – One way street with diagonal parking to the sides
6 Lorry parking – like 2 but for lorry
7 Lorry parking – like 5 but the diagonals run in the opposite direction.

Assets – found in the Assets ssection in the madhatter category – hat with a P on it
Two ticket machines
Two barriers – one up, one down
Car Park charges sign
Bicycle Shelter
Two lamps – one standard size , one taller version

– A few people have reported issues – a lot of people have reported that this works fine.

– However I try to please everybody – I think the issue is the size of the graphic files.
Originally I published them in dds format but some peoples graphic cars rendered them as lumpy black roads.
So then I tried tga format – this solved the lumpy black road issue but as the files are huge I think its causing issues for some peoples setup graphic card / pc or both I don’t know really.
So I have now changed them all to compressed tga – my system has no issues with these – I didn’t realise that tpf2 supported this format (TPF1 didn’t).

Please let me know if this fixes things or causes problems for you.
If there are still issues – then I’m inclined to leave this mod as is but also create two sub mods one with the smaller car parks in it and one with the large car park and lorry parks as its these that seem to be causing issues.

Somehow the following note got left out – probably when the above was last revised:
The sims wont park in the spaces – this mod is for detailing its not functional.
Even if I made them work it would not be a good idea. The mechanics of the game are such that AI cars and people are tracked objects that have life and therefore need to die off. – Otherwise the game would fill up and up with cars and people and would come to a grinding halt.

Authors: Mad Hatter

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