RDR2 - Start of Chapter 2 Save

Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods

A save after chapter 1.
No chapter 2 missions completed.
No stranger missions completed.
2 stranger missions started. the ones for dinosaur bones and rock carving collectables.
All weapons owned and upgraded. (Including rare & gunslinger weapons)
(Use weapons locker to change weapons on horse)
~$1000000 cash and $15000 camp funds.
Whole map revealed.
All Crafting Recipes unlocked.

All challenges completed and Legend of The East unlocked.
Maxed health, stamina and dead eye.
Black Arabian horse with default saddle.(Rank 3 Bond)
All clothes owned, not including Blackwater and mission based outfits. (may not have collected all unique masks and hats/helmets found in the world.)
All trapper clothes and saddles owned.
All trinkets and talismans.
All available camp upgrades done, (Just need crafting tools for the others and satchels.)

All Dinosaur Bones Located.
All Rock Carvings Located.
All Dream Catchers Located. (and arrowhead reward collected.)
All unique item camp requests collected. (turn them in as they unlock)

No cigarette cards collected. All cards in the inventory are from premium cigarette packs.

Valentine doctors backroom robbed (Schofield revolver collected)
Rhodes gunsmith basement robbed (Lancaster repeater collected)

No treasure hunts completed.

[How To Install]
Place SRDR30000 in C:\Users\\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\\

Several of the Gunslinger weapons have a second to use in duel wield.
Used a save editor and trainer to create this save. This may cause bugs/glitches.
Haven’t tested the save. It may have unknown Bugs/Glitches.

Picking up gunslinger guns that have a second may cause the second to be removed from inventory.
Possible glitches to legendary animal hunts. [Haven’t tested]

Unzip and place file namedSRDR30000 in C:\Users\\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\\ or wherever your RDR2 saves are located.

Authors: DeadGuy23

Today Downloads: 1

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