RDR2 - Improved Blood V1.5

Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods

New blood that i think fits better with alot more variations of blood pools and splatters,Tarantino style.

-32 hand made animated blood pools similar to what i saw in forensics pictures and gore videos
-over 40 blood splatters.
-all the blood is around 1k to 4k resolution magnitudes sharper than vanilla 256×256.
-optional smaller wounds
-most of the blood now will stay for over 20 minutes instead of vanilla 1 minute for a nice aftermath
-optional no mist
-upscaled materials bullet holes included
-optional upscaled gore textures
-optonal upscalled vanilla splatters with my pools version

!!!USE HIGH VELOCITY AMMO FOR MORE SPLATTERS!!!specially directional on the walls,because the bullet Goes trough and its why gta 6 will take 20 years.

!!!!USE VULKAN API!!!! all texture and code heavy mods need VULKAN its better than DX12 for this game anyway but if you really need dx12 there is an optional compatible version

Nothing to do with my mod,but the game itself has a bug where rarely bullet wounds wont show up on some npcs or after they are killed so dont complain in the comments.

The artery spill blood pool scales up like the normal vanilla pool not like i animated the normal blood pools and it will always be 2x the size of the normal blood pool(might make sense as they bleed profoundly)all of this is hardcoded so i cant do nothing about it for now.

Authors: Cazanu

Today Downloads: 1

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