Mafia 2 – Unlock Artworks
This is a Lua script. You must have the Lua Injector installed to use it.
In This Mode You Can Unlock All Artworks & Play Boy Magazine .
Scroll down to the “Installation” section to learn how to install this mod.
Drag the Lua script (.lua file found within the downloaded .zip file) to the “userscript” folder found within your Mafia II directory and rename the file to match the name of a keyboard function key (eg. F3, F4, F5, etc.). Once in-game, and after you’ve run the Injector (see below), press the function key after which the downloaded Lua script is named. For example, if you’ve named the script “F3”, press the “F3” key to run the script.
Using the script:
Launch Mafia II and get in-game.
Press “Alt+Tab” to minimize the game.
Navigate to your “pc” folder.
Run “mafiainjector.exe”.
Return to the Mafia II window.
Resume the game.
Press the function key after which the downloaded Lua script is named. For example, if the script’s name is “F3”, press the “F3” key to run the script.
Press the buttons on the controls section to control your siren and beacon.
How to Install: “.sds” file copy to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Mafia II\pc”