FS19 - Yukon River Valley Map V2.4
Yukon River Valley is a 16X map with mining and production. The map is based in the Yukon Territory of Canada so gold mining is the focus. Other than gold mining you got dirt processing plants, crude oil, coal, steel, concrete, limestone, paper, pallet, potato, and whiskey production. There are five sawmills located around the map as well for all the loggers out there.
The map will have 12 fields located between three different farm areas. The farm areas are empty of buildings allowing the player to create there farms using placeables. With the map being a 16X map there are many areas that you can create your own farm and fields. Let you imagination create your dream farm.
This download will also include most of the production in the map as a placeable. This will allow players to create there own production areas around the map.
With there being a lot of production on the map with little direction I recommend players to watch a walkthrough of the map. The video is a hour long, but goes into great detail about how everything works. You can watch Video Using this link or in videos above.
Authors: Everything in Yukon River Valley has originated either from me or the use of public mods sites. If it wasn't for modders releasing mods for public use the modding community wouldn't be where we are at today. We learn and grow as a community and hopefully we can do so for the future. Want to thank Giants for giving us the opportunity to make our imagination a reality.