FS19 - Store Sales V1.0

Farming Simulator 19 Mods

With this global script a new category will be added to the 'Brands' page of the shop.
The store will now randomly offer single vehicles / tools or occasionally an entire brand for a discounted base price.

Notifications will be shown at the top right of the screen when a sale starts.

During 'Brand' sales, maps that have been prepared for the mod will display discount signage and sale flags around the vehicle shop.

Support for flags and signage is added by default to the following Giants made maps:
- Felsbrunn
- Ravenport
- Estancia Lapacho
- Erlengrat (Alpine DLC)

Map Builders:
Please see 'sdk' folder for information about adding flag and signage support to your maps vehicle shop with no scripts required.


Today Downloads: 1

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ETS2 - Volvo FH16 2012 V1.0 - CAUA NOGUEIRA say; " senha para extrair " - (2024-12-06 03:27:33)

ETS2 - Mercedes-Benz 710 Destravado - maldoso22 say; " ola parabens pelo trabalho mais me diga . vai atualizar pra versao 1.53 ? " - (2024-12-05 06:40:21)

ATS - Mercedes Actros 2014 V1.2.5 - tatabike say; " There's something wrong with it. It's crashing the game. " - (2024-11-30 14:09:48)

ETS2 - Marcopolo Paradiso G6 1800 DD 6X2 MegakingRoad (1.36.x) - KONDE BOY say; " good " - (2024-10-29 10:35:07)

ETS2 - Kia Granbird Silkroad S Premium 2022 - Anononsesz say; " Upload mod for 1.50 version please...!! " - (2024-10-22 07:28:03)