FS19 - Peugeot Partner 2003 TP Paysagiste Exotic V2.0
Good morning,
Here is a Peugeot Partner, V2 -> |V1 no longer available|
- Starting price €14,000
- Available in 1.6 dCi and 2.5 dCi
- Max power 100 hp / 90 km/h
- Choice of interiors; wood, plastic (...)
- Choice of logo, yes/no (Logo ExoticPaysage) the logos are available in the main configuration
- Straps available to carry small items as pictured
IC animations
- Doors (Interior and exterior) Front left, right and Rear left, right
- Strapable gallery (visible/invisible)
Animation with the key: "X" *[like unlocking the tool]*
- Old rotating beacon (visible/invisible)
* For reasons of safety of strapped objects, the straps can be
visible if activated by removing the roof rack!
- Good game everyone, a thank you costs nothing! If you encounter any errors, don't hesitate.
to bring it up in the comments area
miniminuss, from the exotic landscape team!
Theft prohibited | reconversions prohibited!
Credits:miniminuss_gamingExotic Paysage