FS19 - Liquid Manure Wagon 6000 Liters V2.0
2 Variants - one mod
Liquid manure tank 6,000 liters without drag hose
Brand choice
Kirchner / Siegperle / Eisele / Bauer / Joskin / Vacuumat
Tire choice:
T 404/500 45R22_5 / TR 500 60R22_5
AW 305 480 45R17 / AW 309 500 50R17
Distribution system: Standard / Moescha
Working width: 9 meters
Working speed: max. 14km / h
Power requirement: 60 hp
Price: 7.400 €
Liquid manure tank 6,000 liters WITH drag hose
Brand choice:
Kirchner / Siegperle / Eisele / Bauer / Joskin / Vacuumat
Tire choice:
Michelin / Michelin Tandem / BKT / BKT Tandem
Distribution system: drag hose
Working width: 9 meters
Working speed: max. 14km / h
Power requirement: 60 hp
Price: 7.400 €
Both slurry tanks have connection pants and are HoseSystem from Wobster ready.
Credits:Giants Software GmbH
Model by: Felix Modding
Project implementation: FBM Oldenfarm
Images: FBM-FlowRider86
Tires: Lexik Design, JD7530-Chris
Hose system: Wobster