FS19 - [FBM Team] Sprayer Technique V1.0
Hi, Today we have a little something for you again, and a small spray technology package.
Attention! Note for consumers
The mod is NOT 100% true to its real role models and is a purely fictitious work!
What was done:
- Brand selection with color constraint (Kuhn, Rau)
- Connection Hoses (connection from the front tank to the syringe)
- Material adapted
- Tire config installed on the drawn syringe
- All in a pack under a brand
Credits:Giants Software GmbH
Publisher: Forbidden-Mods.de
Umsetzung/Idee: [FBM]Dani-86, Butters/BTS
Original by Giants: Kuhn Deltis1302,Kuhn Metris4102,Kuhn PF1500