FS19 - EXP19 Chevy K30 1979 DS V1.3.6

Farming Simulator 19 Mods

You all have seen pictures, tests, etc. The time has come for you all to enjoy this beauty!

Features? Let's see...
4 beds: Stock; Classic deck, Bradford bed & Foldable forestry Bed
Multiple color combinatios
Color combination presets
Decals selection
Body style selection
Multiple wheels choice (lift depends on the selected wheels)
Custom made FOX Suspension for the lift version
Dynamic Suspension scripted in all components (leafs, shocks, cardans...)

I will leave you to enjoy!
Thanks to the team for the effort and patience on this one and special thanks to the additional help received on testing it by Adam and Ryan!!

Credits:Expendables Modding

Today Downloads: 1

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