FS19 - Ecolo Til 2500 V1.0

Farming Simulator 19 Mods

Case IH In-line Rippers are versatile primary tillage tools designed to limit compaction and control moisture for enhanced soil conditions that promote high yields.
Effective for both conventional and no-till or conservation tillage practices, we have options to fit your operation.

5 Shank model: $15,080 USD, $25,080 USD with auto shanks.
Reccomended power: 190 HP.
Working Width: 3.8 Meter.

7 Shank model: $25,080 USD, $30,080 USD with auto reset shanks.
Reccomended power: 288 HP.
Working Width: 5.3 Meter.

Credits:NEFG Modding

Today Downloads: 1

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