ETS2 - Scania S Duijghuijzen Skin (1.35.X)
Skin for Scania S lowline cab Duijghuijzen with lightbox,bullbar and wheels paint; mods needed: Big Lightbox Scania S&R Next Gen v 1.2, Trux Highway for Scania NextGen S/R by DimDoum 87x, Abasstreppas wheel pack 3.0, Sideskirt custom Scania 2016 S and R, Badkarma Customs Accessory Pack for RJL & Scania 2016, Scania NextGen Middle Exhaust v1.0 1.34.x, for the roof rack it’s a paymod (same think for trailer) you can find it.
Authors: Dangster,Leonox
I need a roof rackle..where u are buy it?