ETS2 - RusMap Regione Meridionale Romania Extended Steppa YKS Turchia (1.35.X)
The most popular maps are included in the assembly:
- ProMods 2.4.2 (Europe and Middle East)
- RusMap 1.9 (RF and RB)
- Southern Region 7.9 (South of Russia)
- Grande steppe Project 1.2 (Kazakhstan) + Path to the Aral Sea addon
- Romania Extended 2.2 (Romania, Moldova, MNR, pieces from the Balkans and Ukraine)
- YKS Turkey Map 1.9 (Turkey, Cyprus, pieces of the Caucasus)
- Volga Road 1.0
- Scandinavian expansion
- Islands of Sweden Il
Traffic is set by Jazzyatat (cars, trucks, buses, BDF, motorcycles)
Set of goods from Jazzyсat
Optional: reduced mirrors, improved light, lifting, Volvo-FH remake
Required: graphic support for the card (it will fly without it)
I have not added any Brazil and Indonesia, but they are compatible
Why make password for the file? Seems like a fake mod to me ;)
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