ETS2 - Fc Scania 113 H T Truck V2.2 (1.36.x)
3 Steering Wheel Options: (Original 113H) Scania logo.
3 Steering Wheel Options: (Original 113H) Scania logo black.
Flashlight, Lighthouse, arrows flash and D. Everyone reflects on the floor.
Improved and realistic shadows.
Various carpet options.
Camera can be turned at the back of the cabin.
SCANIA 113H engines: 320, 360, 440, 620 and 750 Chipado.
Tank options, round, square, painted or chrome.
Various color options for tapestry, cabin and ceiling.
Various Options: Armchairs and benches beds.
Cylinder tubes: Original black, chrome, single or double.
Battery Box: Chrome, original black or painted.
Luggage options.
3D made based on the technical terms of the original Scania truck.
3 Exhaust options Tested on V 1.36
SCANIA 113H Engine Sounds:
Original and normal V8.
Original and V8 with Turbine Comb.
Credits:Fabio Contier
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