FS25 Others Mods

Farming Simulator 25 Other Mods

FS25 - Unload Bales Early V1.1.1.1 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Unload Bales Early V1.1.1.1

Unload Bales Early mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by Farmsim Tim (timmeey86). This mod allows unloading unfinished bales early.Version Thresholds for overloading and unloading can now be configured (or deactivated).- The key bind... Download

FS25 - Dynamic Lowering V1.0.1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Dynamic Lowering V1.0.1.0

Dynamic Lowering mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by SMI Modding Team. This mod allows the implements with which it is associated a dynamic lowering into the soil once lowered in the work phase.Changelog Added tools on the list of compat... Download

FS25 - AutoRepair V1.0.0.1 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - AutoRepair V1.0.0.1

Auto Repair mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by HappyLooser. Auto repair all owned vehicles/tools at ~00:00 hour and ~12:00 hour. (not missions vehicles) Changelog optimized (better performanc)repaired only from 5% damage or hight... Download

FS25 - Nimble Jumping V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Nimble Jumping V1.0

Nimble Jumping mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by crscnt. No more the cooldown and the slowdown after jump! This mod removes the two second respite after jump and landing. In adition, you don’t lose your speed when you jump. Download

FS25 - Enhanced Mixer Wagons V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Enhanced Mixer Wagons V1.0

Enhanced Mixer Wagons mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by Ifko[nator]. This script adds an mixing time for all mixer wagons. With this script, each mixer wagon now needs 2 minutes and 10 seconds to mix the total mixed ration, as soon as the mixing ratio is correct. The mixi... Download

FS25 - Shaders V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Shaders V1.0

Shaders mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by Mafiozow. Also use lighting from black Download

FS25 - Extended Forage Harvester Pickup V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Extended Forage Harvester Pickup V1.0

Extended Forage Harvester Pickup mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by Warthog Mods. Collect windrows of hay and straw with forage harvester pickup headers. Download

FS25 - Increased Fuel Prices V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Increased Fuel Prices V1.0

Increased Fuel Prices mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by ZYX / w33zl. Today's fuel prices are a challenge for all farmers out there, even so in the virtual universe. These days it is more important than ever to choose your equipment visely, a big implement and powerful tractor mea... Download

FS25 - Speed Compacting Stego 485 V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Speed Compacting Stego 485 V1.0

Speed Compacting Stego 485 mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by Farmer19yt. Faster silo compactor (x2 / x5 / x10). Download

FS25 - Disable Contract Machines V1.0 Farming Simulator 25 Mods

FS25 - Disable Contract Machines V1.0

Disable Contract Machines mod for Farming Simulator 2025, created by [_Mario_]. Contract Machinery Block.The modification blocks the possibility of renting machines for contracts, excluding forestry equipment. Download