ATS - Real Companies, Gas Stations & Billboards Extended
Updated for game version 1.48
This add-on of our popular real companies, gas stations & billboards will go further where the Steam limitations can take us. In the initial release we have decreased the number of Walmart’s by changing them to Target and Swift depots. This means Target and Swift won’t be just in the Texas DLC anymore. It also opens the door to add regional supermarkets in the future.
Also in the initial release is IKEA. We took the ETS2 prefab and placed in ATS. There are about 9 depots, all in the cities we’re they are in real-life. Last, but not least, we opened up some landmarks to deliver to. You can now go to several stadiums, convention centers and maybe even a festivalground..
For this mod, the Texas DLC is required
Authors: MLH82