ATS - Kenworth W900A 1974 Truck V4.0 (1.35.X)

American Truck Simulator Mods

This kenworth w900a is a replica of what was offered by kenworth from 1967-1975.

All parts found in this mod is what kenworth offered during the associated years of production for this truck model. The new flattop style sleeper was introduced in 1974 and the Aerodyne raised roof sleeper with twin skylight windows was not introduced until 1976 so it will not be found in this mod.
Kenworth did NOT offer a lift axle/tri Axle option during 1967-1975 any pictures you may see on production model w900a was retro fitted by a private shop. In 1982 the w900B was introduced .
this kenworth w900a replica will only be made for use in ATS, It is an edit from its orginal w900a ATS mod which has been fully updated to the current ATS verison except use of weigh station device. This w900a mod originated from ETS 2 ( Euro truck simuator 2) and was converted over to ATS by AMT modding .

supports advance coupling
will only be updated for compatiblity for game verisons
Engine pack available

Credits:Truck Model:"Steve Roache" Truck parts:"XDriver,Dro BeatZz,Bayonet,evh5150vanhalen,rockhobbit99, Corby,Colonel,SilveradoHD,Stas556,dmitry68,Kriechbaum,Stels, REDNEK, David Hester,Thomas Parham,Chief86,Bansheewoj,viper2,virat,peerke145 Skins by Goran Petkoski (Skinner) and Deven Weber included" special thanks to: Chief86 (blender tools teacher) Quattrophobia (many how to tips) guidot of Half fast gaming ( many how to tips) loadersaints (real Eaton fuller transmissions mod on steam workshop) compatible

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ETS2 - Mercedes-Benz 710 Destravado - maldoso22 say; " ola parabens pelo trabalho mais me diga . vai atualizar pra versao 1.53 ? " - (2024-12-05 06:40:21)

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